Thursday, August 2, 2007

Action Packed Drive and Some Hikes and a full Moon

Well the days are about to get action packed so I hope you can handle it.

We set off around 8:30 for an early morning drive up Old Fall River road a dirt path that is really only open for about three months of the year when all the snow is melted. This steeply climbed up the side of the mountain with many spectacular views. We encountered an awesome waterfall, some great mountain pics and some nice pictures with the snow still in the background. They had a cool gift shop up at the top and the road down was a little easier to travel as it was paved and called trail ridge road.

Two random stories from the trek upwards.

First we saw a van going up with both of it’s side doors open, taking the corners quickly and realized it had children with no seat belts on in the van. I guess that is why they call it natural selection but I call it second-degree murder.

Second another vehicle stops right in front of us and stars videotaping, we think that there is some awesome animal in front of her. It is just a rabbit. She took about 5 minutes to get the bunny to move. “Excuse me, Mr. Bunny, could you please move Mr. Bunny?”

On the trek downLaura swears she caught two bears on video. And it is very possible

We finally made it back to camp after a nice picnic lunch and had a delightful mid day campnap.

Headed back into Estes Park to Notchtop bakery for some blogging and ds’ing.
On our way back into the park saw a field of chilling on the side of the road just having dinner.

Before Dinner we went on an awesome but strenuous hike to Nymph Lake and Dream Lake. The uphill climb was very satisfying with lilies at Nymph Lake as a nice resting spot but Dream Lake lived up to it’s name.

Finished up with a campfire and tried to capture the full moon on camera for you.

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