Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hardcore Sunrise, Sunset. It’s how we do it

August 5
Total miles driven : 69 Miles

So that’s right you might not recognize us but we are the couple that wakes up for sunrises in the Grand Canyon. While we were driving we had a little Prairie Mouse who kept trying to climb by my windshield wipers. I tried to rescue him I really did but he kept hiding every time I looked for him. Hopefully I won’t be driving with a cooking prairie mouse tomorrow. The Sunset was great and we watched it from Moran point. We were there with only one other guy who kept pacing back and forth like we had ruined his solitude spot. We then did the rest of the watchtower and decided it was a great time for the Grand Canyon to be photographed and saw a cool watchtower built to blend in with a place like the Grand Canyon.

Then we made a very wise choice and went back to bed. If you are going to watch the Sunrise at 5:40 then you should probably go to bed when it is done.

We woke up and were having breakfast and saw a huge male deer with giant horns. He was tough to capture on film but was not like the deer we have at home. I already told you about the deer that could gore you well it turns out that they had to put 15 deer to sleep this year because people stupidly kept feeding them and thus they got sick and weren’t able to get food into their system as trash got caught in their digestive systems. They also are not afraid of humans so will come right up to them and kick, bite, headbutt. They are some crazy deer.

We headed into Tusayan again and this time went and saw the Grand Canyon Imax movie, which was great, and Laura got her first piece of jewelry on the trip. Hopefully that does not open the floodgates.

We had an awesome time at the internet café we were at yesterday and I got to update my blog and we got our pictures backed up on snapfish. Laura enjoyed a couple of virgin Pina Coladas which is a little random because who goes to the grand Canyon and says mmmmmm Pina Coladas. We would give you the link but you would need like 10 hours to view them all as they are unfiltered.

Went back to camp and Laura cooked dinner (Mac and Cheese with Chicken). I think I mentioned this before but we decided we needed a break from bratwurst every night, imagine that. I grilled up some carrots, which turned out great as well, and it all occurred in the daylight.

Now it get s crazy we went on the Hermits bus route and got dropped off and went hiking along the rim trail and caught a spectacular sunset. It was really nice because bus kept recommending this one spot to watch the sunset and they were right but since we hiked there we were able to find a secluded spot where we felt as though we were the only two people watching it set.
Finished and got some ice at the general store and another great fire. Laura has truly honed her fire building skills. I mean there is no lighter fluid and I don’t fear for my life like when my brother in law builds a fire but yet I still find it quite enjoyable.

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