Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wanna Take you to Whiskeytown and the crookedest road in the world.

August 10
Miles driven 523
So a big drive today from Yosemite to Redwoods. I don’t have too much to say and not too many pictures as it was one of the more exhausting drives I have ever been on.

First leaving Yosemite was challenging as the roads were crowded with buses and trailers and were filled with lots of turns making cruise control kind of a nonoption.

We stopped at roadside fruit stand which was on the site of a Cheese factory and got some great products including fresh nectarines, strawberries, figs and tomatoes and then went into the factory and got two great things of Gouda including a cumin flavored one and a garden herb one. And then we got on a beautiful road but a road from hell called California 299
This road wove its way through deserts, mountains, and along rivers and through forests but invovlved so many turns for huge long stretches where I would turn one way for 5 seconds and then 5 seconds later make a u turn. They were back and forth putting the Healy pass in Ireland and Causeway street to shame. I guess when you want access to beautiful land you preserve it by building very windy roads.

We drove through a place and snagged a stamp at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area which ad beautiful waters and looked like a great place to hike and play in the water but we didn’t have time for such fun so we just enjoyed the drive along the water framed by huge forests.
We got to Redwoods and still had to drive the road 101 which pretty much slices through it for a 50 mile stretch north to South. The drive was spectacular as the fog came in and out and was interspersed with fog and with intense shadows. I felt like a batter standing in the shadow as the pitcher pitched from bright sun. As we were driving we found two huge elk just chilling on the side of the road eating a dinner. They were completely unfazed by the cars pulled over to take their pictures. We continued on and got camp set up just before sunset, which was very nice. More exploring tomorrow.

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